The healthcare and life sciences industries demand perfection. We understand the impact your products have in the world. And we have the experience to make them a reality. Below we outline some key trends affecting the industry. With stricter regulations, new technologies and higher product complexity, the demand for industry specific expertise and robust experience in compliance and regulations is increasing. Medical device companies are turning to external, trusted partners more and more to outsource product Design and Development, New Product Introduction and Manufacturing processes. This way, they are able to focus on their core business of researching and innovating - while relying on us to provide the right technical and market expertise. Internet of Medical Things Major advances in wireless technology, miniaturization and computing power are driving innovation in medical technology. They are leading to the development of an increasing number of connected medical devices that can generate, collect, analyze and transmit data. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) – a connected infrastructure of medical devices, software applications and health systems and services – is rapidly transforming medtech companies’ business and operating models. Medical Device Regulation (MDR) In May 2021, the time to implement MDR will expire. From then on, medtech companies in the EU are mandated to prove the effectiveness of their equipment much more laboriously. This will be challenging for medium-sized and small companies. The approval requirements for new products have significantly increased, while legacy products need to be re-evaluated through clinical evidence. Many companies will struggle with this task as they are lacking not only personnel, but also experience. Innovation and Technology The healthcare sector is known for leading edge innovation and technology. One of the key trends has been a move towards miniaturization, with advances in nanotechnology. An emerging field is nanopiezotronics, where implantable devices are powered by a patient’s biomechanical and biochemical energy (e.g., heartbeat, blood flow). Additionally, there is a surge in robotic surgery resulting in more complex, multi-component systems, including computer consoles for a high-definition, magnified, 3D view of the surgical site.