Prevention of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery


California Transparency in Supply Chains Act
UK Modern Slavery Act


Plexus Policy

Plexus believes it is our responsibility to uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior and personal integrity within our business operations. Plexus stands against all forms of human trafficking and slavery, including any act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.

Codes of Conduct

We have adopted written Codes of Conduct describing the standards of ethical behavior and personal integrity that we expect from all employees, contractors, and business partners.

Plexus Employee Code of Conduct
Plexus Supplier Code of Conduct

Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Membership

Plexus is a member of the RBA, the world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to corporate social responsibility in global supply chains. The RBA, its members, suppliers and stakeholders collaborate to improve working and environmental conditions through leading standards and practices. RBA members, including Plexus, have agreed to adopt policies aligned with the RBA Code of Conduct, which expressly outlines requirements for ensuring freely chosen employment and sound human rights practices.

RBA Code of Conduct

Internal Accountability

Plexus’ Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) program contains five pillars that reinforce our commitment to create a better world by being an industry steward, a responsible employer, a community partner, a global citizen and a promoter of corporate governance. We remain focused on measuring the sustainability and societal impact our company has on the world around us, including a focus on responsible human rights practices. In order to ensure proper prioritization and accountability, we have established a formal governance structure that includes board-level oversight, and an engaged executive ESG committee, including participation by our CEO.

We strive to create workplaces with open and honest communications among all employees.  If any employee detects activity that doesn’t align to our Human Rights Policy, our Code of Conduct, any Plexus policy or the law, we encourage reporting it immediately to their manager, Human Resources, Company legal counsel or our confidential Ethics Hotline.  Anyone, including employees, employees of Plexus’ suppliers and other external stakeholders, is able to report human rights concerns anonymously through our third-party-operated Ethics Hotline, located on

Risk Assessment

On an annual basis, we implement the RBA’s self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) for all Plexus facilities, which helps to ensure an annual review of our human rights practices and associated controls. In addition, Plexus conducts a risk analysis of its supply chain and requires all major suppliers to complete the RBA’s SAQ. The supplier SAQ helps Plexus identify our greatest social, environmental and ethical risks in the supply chain, including risks relating to human trafficking and slavery, ILO indicators of forced labor, or any other potential violations of the RBA’s Code of Conduct.


As part of our ongoing ESG efforts, functions and leaders throughout the organization are trained on topics relevant to ensuring sound social business practices. Specifically, human resources personnel responsible for the recruiting and hiring processes have attended specific training established by the RBA pertaining to the prevention of human trafficking and slavery.


Through our Supplier Code of Conduct, we seek to require all of our first tier supply chain partners, including all recruiting service providers, to comply with the RBA Code of Conduct. The RBA Code of Conduct outlines a broad range of standards including standards aimed to prevent human trafficking and slavery.


As part of our membership activities associated with the RBA, each Plexus facility conducts annual internal audits of its human rights practices. Annually, Plexus hires an external certified auditor to conduct a validated audit of 25% of our facilities considered “high-risk” through the RBA’s self-assessment process.

Additionally, each year, we audit 25% of our suppliers identified as “high-risk” based on their self- assessment questionnaires. Plexus continues to work with high-risk suppliers to ensure they are continually improving their CSR performance.

This statement was approved by the management team on Sep 30th, 2024.

Megan Schleicher

Senior Director - Sustainability
and Social Impact

Steven Thomson

Controller and VP Finance - EMEA

This Plexus Policy is applicable to all global Plexus locations included, but not limited to the following:
Plexus Corp. Limited (SC207257).
Plexus Corp (UK) Limited (SC146948).
Plexus Corp. Services (UK) Limited (SC468114)